Hello Atelier 007
Kim Eichler-Messmer
The last time I saw Kim, her hands were dyed blue from a large vat of indigo that she was working with. That is why I love going to visit her at the studio. The walls are full of fabric samples, the tabletops full of sewing projects and stunning watercolors are float on all surfaces.
Anything that involves pots of color intrigues me and though I’ve never taken one of her workshops, I’ve enviously eyed the jeweled fabrics that others have made. Having said that, I did recently attend a baby shower at her studio where we got to don aprons, strap on armpit length gloves and dye onesies. It was messy and fun. Just how art is supposed to be.
What is going on in Kim’s world:
- Sonia Delaunay: An amazing artist (one of my favorites!) who inspired Kim to work with textiles.
- Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts: A school in Gatlinburg, TN that teaches a number of different craft mediums. Kim is teaching a dyeing workshop there next summer!
- Michele Garcia: A natural dye expert from France with whom Kim took a workshop.
- Textile Center of Minnesota: A fiber art center with classes and workshops.
- Friedensriech Hundertwasser: An artist whose colorful work brings Kim enjoys.
- The Wind Up Bird Chronicle: Kim’s favorite book.
- Thích Nhất Hạnh: A Buddhist monk whose teachings Kim enjoys listening to.
- Kansas City Art Institute: Where Kim works as a professor in the textile department.