Hello Atelier 012
Alanna DeRocchi
Alaska in November is cold. Really cold. Wool socks, boots, and four layers cold. But it is also beautiful with mountains in every direction, glaciers on the horizon and bald eagles flying overhead. Still, it takes a hardy soul to pack up and move to such a place. But this week’s guest, sculpture artist Alanna DeRocchi did just that. And, I can tell you, it is a far cry from the small town in Illinois where we all grew up together. It makes sense, really, because Alanna’s work is rooted in nature. Whether she is making a life-size hippo, or a still life of an overstuffed chair and cactus, the natural world always seems to creep into her work.
Being longtime friends with Alanna has a great side effect – we have many of her pieces spotted around the house. From a small pottery piece that holds our toothbrushes to a potted cactus that sits beside our fireplace, her art pieces remind us of her, even if we don’t get to see her all that often. The one piece I’m still vying for, however, is the life-size hippo. But, considering space restraints, I would happily make do with a walrus head to hang on the wall.
What’s happening in Alanna’s world:
- AlannaDeRocchi.com: Check out Alanna’s website to see photos of her collections. Also, be sure to follow her on Instagram to see what she is working on currently.
- The Dead Wolf by Jean-Baptiste: The inspiration for a large piece in Alanna’s future exhibit at The Anchorage Museum.
- Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts: Where Alanna had her two-year residency, and one of her favorite places to create.
- Walrus Islands: Read more about the walrus sanctuary that Alanna visited.
- Moche Pots: Learn more about Peruvian Moche pots